Monday, May 17, 2010

A virtuous woman versus a calamitous woman

Excellence is what the world of today seeks after. The world is tired of the ordinary and the substandard material and is in search of someone with better solutions. The women who have dominated today’s world are not just ordinary women who treat themselves carelessly. It is only the women of virtue, excellence and high caliber that make it up there. The best book ever to describe a successful woman is the bible in proverbs 31. It gives a clear picture of how a successful woman conducts herself and sharing this with other women is one of the most significant things that one can do to empower fellow women who are seeking for direction. How about taking a look at 20 contrasting points between a virtuous woman and a calamitous woman. Here are the points to jot down and practice wherever you are.
1. A virtuous woman is first of all difficult to find.
A calamitous woman is readily available.
2. A virtuous woman is a priceless gift worth more than rubies.
A calamitous woman is cheap.
3. A virtuous woman is trustworthy.
A calamitous woman is not to be trusted.
4. A virtuous woman is a life-giver.
A calamitous woman is a threat to life.
5. A virtuous woman opens doors for others.
A calamitous woman shuts up the door for everyone else.
6. A virtuous woman is a hard worker.
A calamitous woman is feeble-minded and lazy.
7. A virtuous woman is an independent giver and a provider.
A calamitous woman is dependent on others.
8. A virtuous woman serves others.
A calamitous woman waits for service.
9. A virtuous woman is energetic and strong.
A calamitous woman is weak.
10. A virtuous woman is a light unto others.
A calamitous woman is a pitfall unto many.
11. A virtuous woman is a helper.
A calamitous woman is a thorn in the flesh.
12. A virtuous woman is reliable.
A calamitous woman is inconsistent.
13. A virtuous woman is always excellently dressed.
A calamitous woman is always scantily dressed.
14. A virtuous woman is fruitful.
A calamitous woman is dead and barren.
15. A virtuous woman is wise.
A calamitous woman is gauche.
16. A virtuous woman is grand.
A calamitous woman is wobbly.
17. A virtuous woman is kind.
A calamitous woman is heartless.
18. A virtuous woman is watchful and steady.
A calamitous woman is easily blown by the wind.
19. A virtuous woman is often praised.
A calamitous woman is often despised.
20. A virtuous woman is an exceptional woman.
A calamitous woman is a common woman.

Having said all, one thing is for certain, the works of any woman will speak for her. Virtuous women are known because of what they have achieved and how they have conducted themselves whilst the calamitous women are also known for what they have done. Judgment is for the heart and it is only you who can judge to which category you belong. Remember it is only the wise women who will make it in the resentful world and it is only the women that have exercised themselves unto excellence that only produce excellent results. Take a notebook and give yourself a certain mark according the above criteria. If you are at 50% or below, starting working on your life and change for the betterment of everyone that is around you. If you are above 50% but below 90% just put in the little extra effort, otherwise you are on your way to excellence. If you are 90% and above, good, but aim higher to reach the 100% perfect woman of excellence. It is all possible and it is only you who can limit yourself. The power to change lies in you. If you are below 20% or at 0% level, don’t lose hope. It is never too late to change for the better. Just put in the extra effort and commitment to start changing. Above all, ladies remember that change begins with you and that we can never impact nor change the world towards excellence when we ourselves are not living it. So ladies that’s a quick and easy task for you this season. Remember women are the ones who bear and nurture a boy into a man and a man into a nation. It is all in you. Until then, Ciao.

1 comment:

  1. good advice.its surely time for women to rise up and take their place.
